by Roger Bruce

A great question for all of us to answer is, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” Fear is a powerful inhibitor. Many times we give it more power than we should and it keeps us from doing things for God.

We need not to feel ashamed, many Bible heroes had their struggles with fear. Moses had to tell Joshua twice to be strong and courageous (Deuteronomy 31.7, 23), the Lord had to tell him 3 times (Joshua 1.6, 7, 9) and finally, the Israelites charged him to do the same in verse 18!

I don’t think old Josh was a slow learner, I believe he was overwhelmed by the prospect of stepping into Moses’ sandals. Sometimes, like Peter, we take our eyes off from the Lord and onto the storm and start to sink.

This week, why not read Joshua, chapters 1-6 and see the many ways the Lord provided for the Israelites through Joshua’s leadership. I hope you are encouraged to step out in faith and try something great for God. You never know, your Promised Land might just be within reach! God bless you.

Roger Bruce is pastor of River of Life Community Church in Godfrey. The church is located at 1414 West Delmar.