by Roger Bruce
Back in 1983, the rock group Yes released a single called “Owner of A Lonely Heart”. Catchy tune and it also contained the lyric thought, “Better than a broken heart”. For anyone who has suffered lost love, that alternative may have seemed agreeable, at least for a while.
In Psalm 51, King David writes (v17-NLT) after his great sins, “The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.” Wow! Seems a bit harsh, doesn’t it?
At first glance, sure. Let’s unpack it.
David had come to recognize how his sins separated him from God. David was also wise enough to know that God longs for His people to come back home from their sin journeys. The verse says that God will not reject a heart that is sorrowful for sins committed and ready to return to the fold. Last time I checked the opposite of rejection was acceptance, something we all long for.
Are we like David? Do we recognize not only our broken-by-sin status but also God’s readiness to receive us again? The good news is it is a short trip: (1 John 1.9 NLT) But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. That is great news for me. I won’t speak for anyone else, but my sin record makes the national debt look like a BB in a boxcar.
Beginning or ending every day with a quick review and sincere confession gives us a clean slate. And maybe, just maybe, the owner of a broken heart is closer to their one great love than they ever realized. God bless you!
Roger Bruce is pastor of River of Life Community Church in Godfrey. The church is located at 1414 West Delmar.